Commercial door repair vs replacement

One of the services that we have consequently become very good at is commercial door repair as well as commercial door replacement. Keep in mind a lock is only going to be as secure as the door you put it on. Even hollow metal doors will eventually rust away. This is the calling card of an inexperienced Atlanta locksmith company or door company. This kind of commercial door repair is preventable.

A correctly installed door cap on the door below would have kept water from seeping into the top of the door. The water wouldn’t have pooled at the bottom of the door causing the door to rust from the inside out. When this happens there’s no way to repair the door. A full commercial door replacement is a must.

We service, repair and replace commercial doors and lock hardware in not only Atlanta and Marietta but also in Cartersville, and Kennesaw.

Clearly this commercial door has been annihilated. There’s simply no question it has to be replaced. However if it would have been installed correctly this too could have been avoided.

Some of the Atlanta locksmith companies out there will see a simple drag at the bottom of a door or broken hinge as an opportunity to sell a hollow metal door. These are simple commercial door repairs that definitely do not require a commercial door replacement. For Example if a strike does not line up or a deadbolt doesn’t go in it’s receiving strike correctly. These are also very simple repairs that do not require a full commercial door replacement.

Atlanta Door or Atlanta business doors
Concealed overhead door closer on an Atlanta door repair job.

Northstar Locksmiths offers Ceco doors for many of our commercial door replacement jobs. They are available in most hinge patterns, and are above all readily available as well.