Almost all of the Roswell locksmith work we do in Roswell, Ga is either commercial or residential. We will however still unlock vehicles everyday as well. First of all We’re licensed, bonded and insured. Northstar locksmiths has the experience needed to repair or replace any lock hardware you can think of. For years now we have been in Roswell on a daily basis. The experience we have in the locksmith business for going on 19 years so we’re ready to take on any job you should need us for. We know our profession we’re not look for an opportunity to learn at your expense. While most locksmith companies send out technicians we would rather send out Locksmiths.
Northstar locksmiths is familiar with the area because we’re in it every day. Call us and we’ll be able to give you an accurate price furthermore an accurate time we can get there. We know that if it’s five o’clock on Friday and we have a locksmith at Roswell Mill. If your at Holcomb bridge road and 400 a 10 minute response time would probably be a lie. Northstar wants to be known as the locksmith company that under promises and over delivers. We never want to be known as the locksmith that sells products that you don’t need just to make a buck, we would much rather be known as the locksmith that’s trustworthy.
Some of the services our Roswell locksmith techs perform:
- Home lock changes
- Business lock changes
- Safes combinations changed
- Doors repaired and installed
- Hardware installed