Sounds like the perfect solution anytime you want to re-key your locks you can just simply do it yourself, right? I was one of the first locksmiths serving the Marietta area that found out the product was made from poor materials. Within weeks there was a YouTube video on how to unlock Kwikset SmartKey deadbolt locks with a flat head screwdriver in seconds. Kwikset has come a long way however with their smart key product. Kwikset smartkey locks aren’t quite as vulnerable as it was when it was first initially released. Similar to all Kwikset products from the past they are susceptible to corrosion and dry out easily. Spraying them frequently with a Teflon lubricant is a must.
The news for Kwikset smart key locks however is not all bad. After running a locksmith call in Acworth I found out the hard way the lock was difficult to pick. Although they don’t typically last very long they are fairly secure for the first year of operation. However, by the second year of operation, they do have a tendency to break. The technology of being able to rekey your own locks has proven to be a pretty good gimmick. Consumers are looking past their very notable history of unreliability.
Kwikset Lock Repair
When the locks were first released I installed them on my own house close to Euharlee, Ga. I believe my set of Kwikset Smartkey locks lasted no longer than 8 months before they failed miserably. Unfortunately, the product is just simply overly complex in comparison to the materials it is made from. So although I will install this product I will absolutely not warranty it. There are simply much better products at home Depot or Lowe’s for less than half the price. Their cheapest products are far superior in my opinion to the smart key locks and are about 75% cheaper. Kwikset lock repair is a bulk of our business.