Commercial liability insurance it’s really only something that comes into play if something really bad happens. However if a door should fall and shatter on a car we have you covered. A million and one things can go wrong this is why I choose to stay covered. Unlike many we don’t just have liability insurance we have workman’s comp as well. If someone should drill through their hand they’re covered. When you choose to do business with Northstar you’re doing business with a company that plans to stay around another 23 years. In the big scheme of things commercial liability insurance is there to make sure that if we make a mistake we still stay in business. To honor our warranties we have to be here another 23 years. Otherwise what we’re selling is a lie.
A lot of our customers our corporations they require certain insurance levels roughly four times what would be typical for a home. For them if you don’t have the business insurance you don’t get the job. Most new businesses do not carry these insurance policies. So if you ask for the business insurance policy and they don’t have it steer clear of that company.
Why you want a contractor to have commercial liability insurance.
If a company does not have commercial liability insurance and something happens this is bad news. The business you have hired has put you at risk by not having it. Damages will be your responsibility. Having you be financially obligated for all materials and repairs is the last thing we want.
So when you choose a business to do work for you just make sure that they have taken these precautions for you. In my entire career I’ve never had to use my business insurance.
We are trained professionals with lots of experience, but things can go wrong. We’ve done what we need to do to keep your risk very low.