Here is a copy of our state of Georgia locksmith business license. When you choose a locksmith choose a Licensed locksmith. When someone is in business they carry the necessary insurance and licensing and someone that just operates out of their car doesn’t. Having a business license in the state of Georgia requires you to have no felonies on your record.
If someone should say that they have a Georgia locksmith business license and not actually be one according to their business license. You could quite easily be doing business with someone with a felony perhaps a very violent one. We started our business on October 25th, 1999 originally in Marietta. We moved to Acworth, and then we moved to Cartersville. Now we service pretty much everywhere from Marietta to Dalton to Ellijay and we’re even in Rome Georgia every day. So as a result we work a little bit everywhere.
The people that are unlicensed can be a huge security threat. As you can imagine if they don’t hold a license you know they don’t have any insurance. Something else that really matters is time in business. Furthermore if they’ll give you a 3-year warranty but they’ve only been in business 4 months, that’s a bad thing.
The fact that we do have a Georgia locksmith business license makes it easy to just use one company for all your locksmith needs. We’ve been doing business with Town Center Mall and Cumberland mall for 20 years. We got those customers because we dot our i’s and cross our t’s.
In short we got those jobs because of the fact that we had a Georgia locksmith business license. Our employees are uniformed. Northstar does not work with subcontractors that make their own rules. We’ve had our business license going on for 23 years.